How Problem Killer Gun Oil Works
Nearly all corrosion inhibitors were designed to prevent corrosion by placing a thick film coating of Wax, Paint, etc. over the metal surface to seperate it from the atmosphere. The problem with this approch is that since none of the “Corrosion Components” are eliminated, corrosion continues to grow, often under the film coating where it can´t be seen, until the problem becomes severe.
A corrosion cell is like a tiny battery. It has an anode, cathode, electrolyte and a path of current. Eliminate any one of these “Corrosion Components” and the corrosion process is interrupted. ProblemKiller pentrates through existing corrosion and disrupts the corrosion process by eliminating two of the “Corrosion Components”. It displaces the electrolyte and leaves an ultra-thin dielectric barrier that blocks the path of current.

PK Shootgun Oil
Best Lubricant
Perfect for use in corrosive environments, 336h Salt Spray Test! It does not sling off, making a excellent replacement for toxic products.
Best Penetrating Oil
It will work it´s way through foulingand rust to reach the metal, protecting it and enhance your performance
Best Protector for the Marine Environment
Ultimate water repellent as moisture and corrision cannot contact the metal once applied.
Outstanding Cleaner
Penetrates through existing oxides and prevents formation ofrust or corrision.
- >336h Salt Spray Test
- EN ISO 9227:2006
- No Solvents!
- Very low Odor/ None Toxic
- No Silicon
- Reduces Friction
- No Formation of Gum
- Environmentally friendly
- No danger to Water Organism
- Easy to use
- Wide Temperature Operating Range from -51°C (-60°F) to 176°C (350°F)

PK Tactical Gun Oil
Best Lubricant
Perfect for use in corrosive environments. 336h Salt Spray Test! It does not sling off semiautomatics or automatic action, making a excellent replacement for toxic products.
Best Penetrating Oil
It will work it´s way through foulingand rust to reach the metal, protecting it and enhance your performance
Best Protect for the Marine Environment
Ultimate water repellent as moisture and corrision cannot contact the metal once applied.
Outstanding Cleaner
Penetrates through existing oxides and prevents formation ofrust or corrision.
- > 336h Salt Spray Test
- EN ISO 9227:2006
- Solvents, next to nothing!
- Very low Odo/ None Toxic
- No Silicon
- Reduces Friction
- No Formation of Gum
- Environmetally Friendly
- No danger to Water Organism
- Easy to Use
- Wide Temperature Operating Range from -51°C (60°F) to 298°C (570°F)

PK Machine Gun & Minigun Oil
Best Lubricant
Perfect for use in corrosive environments. 336h Salt Spray Test! It does not sling off semiautomatics or automatic action, making a excellent replacement for toxic products.
Best Penetrating Oil
It will work it´s way through foulingand rust to reach the metal, protecting it and enhance your performance!
Best Protector for the Marine Environment
Ultimate water repellent as moisture and corrision cannot contact the metal once applied.
Outstanding Cleaner
Penetrates through existing oxides and prevents formation ofrust or corrision.
- >336h Salt Spray Test
- EN ISO 9227:2006
- Solvents, next to nothing!
- Very low Odor/ None Toxic
- No Silicon
- Reduces Friction
- No Formation of Gum
- Environmentally friendly
- No danger to Water Organism
- Easy to use
- Wide Temperature Operating Range from -51°C (-60°F) to 340°C (650°F)

PK Gun Grease
Best Available Technology Today!
- Best Corrosion Protection!
- Best Lubrication!
- Best Moisture Displacing!
- Best in Health, Safty, Environment!
- 2000h Salt Spray Test
- EN ISO 9227:2006
- No Solvents
- Very low Odor
- Environmentally friendly
- No danger to Water Organism
- Processing Temperature -34°C (-30°F) to 148°C (300°F)

PK Stock Conditioner
Best Lubricant
- Water repellent formula!
- Protects the wood stock!
- Protects the factory finish!
- Leaves a nice sheen for a perfect look!
- Best in Health, Safty & Environment
- Rifles
- Shotguns
- Muzzle Loaders
- Antique Furniture
- Outdoor Fixtures